3 Easy Tips for Holiday Travel Prep

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Call me crazy, but we are planning to travel for the holidays this year.  It was a big decision with COVID being as rampant as it is, but it’s the decision we made.  Unless the airlines shut down, we’re going.  You can read about our thought process and the things we’re going to do to keep ourselves and others safe here. So now I’m in holiday travel prep mode. 

The first time we went anywhere out of state with Annie, she was 3 months old, and she was a perfect angel.  Granted she wasn’t mobile yet and not that curious about anything.  Except for one guy sitting next to us on the airplane she wasn’t concerned about anyone or anything.  She kept a pretty close watch on him for some reason.

Now I’m dealing with the opposite scenario.  She’s very active, very curious, and very worried about other people.  This is going to be a different trip!

Prep Tip #1: Creating a Packing List

Now the other thing about our trip to Florida, I was 100% totally and unforgivingly unprepared.  I thought I had a plan, but I didn’t test it out in advance.  Packing quickly spiraled into one of the biggest panic attack melt downs of my life.  Seriously, with 1 hour before we had to leave, I realized that the bassinet didn’t fit in the suitcase.  I was maxed out and unable to organize my thoughts.  So, I bawled, soaking the baby in tears while yelling at my husband that I don’t know what to do. 

A carefully thought-out packing list would have prevented that whole panic attack.  I needed a physical list of what I would need, what Annie would need, what Ned would need and anything miscellaneous. 

This time I have a list that I made a month in advance.  I know what each of us will need for the whole trip, and whether that item will be packed in a checked bag or a carry-on bag. Or alternatively if I shipped it directly in advance to mom’s house. I keep it in a google sheet so anytime I think of something else I can go right in and add it even if I’m out and about.  

Prep Tip #2: Test Out the Packing Plan and Have a Back Up

I pulled out the two suitcases I’m planning to check (one big and one medium) and made sure all the bigger things will fit.  The wild card is if everything will fit when it’s all packed in together.  In case the smaller suitcase is not enough space, I have another big suitcase in reserve. 

We’ll also checked the car seat in the handy car seat carrier we bought to protect it.  It’s a snug fit, but we practiced before heading to the airport, so we know what we’re doing when we’re trying to pack the car seat quickly on the sidewalk in the departures drop off area.

That leaves the stroller and the carry-on bags.  The carry-on bags will hold distractions and baby necessities (like diapers and wipes), as well as computers, sanitizer wipes and snacks.  I’m trying to keep this to a minimum, and check everything else.  We will gate-check the stroller in our Uppababy carry case that we used for our Florida trip, so we’re familiar with it.

Prep Tip #3: Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute

Perhaps most importantly, I’m not waiting until the last minute.  I’m anxiously awaiting the time I can start packing.  We leave on Thursday, so I’ll finish the laundry on Monday. Then lay everything out to pack on Tuesday and Wednesday.  None of this 1 hour before stuff. 

For items on the packing list that I ordered, I noted the estimated delivery date and highlighted the things I was still missing.  I tracked those items closely to make sure everything arrived in time.  Once packing is complete on Tuesday and Wednesday, I should have a very short list of things to add to the bag on Thursday morning.

Planning ahead is key to making this trip a stress-free, enjoyable experience.  Please pray for me!

Share your tips for holiday travel with kids in the comments. I’m always looking to improve our process so travel can be more enjoyable.

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