The Gentle Sleep Training Strategy that Works: Refresher

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Almost a year ago I shared some insights into our process of getting Annie to sleep through the night in her own room.  I stand by our sleep training process; it worked well and continues to work well.  So, I wanted to share a brief update. Click here to read the original post.

Time Change Debacle

Last weekend Daylight Savings Time ended, and we changed our clocks to spring forward.  The first morning, Annie slept until 9 thanks to an extra tired kiddo and the bonus hour provided by the clocks.  Sounds awesome, right?  It was, but it was the calm before the storm.  That was the last good sleep for the week.  

Every other night this week she’s woken up in the middle of the night, wide awake and stayed awake despite our best efforts for two hours.  We tried diaper changes, rocking, bouncing, Tylenol for teething, milk, changing the song on the Going Through the Motions

As I looked back at my first post on the subject, I laughed out loud when I read “we only want to sleep train once.”  It’s funny because we actually end up going through these motions pretty often.  Call it a sleep training refresher course if you will every time she has a sleep regression, every new milestone like standing, every time change, and every time we travel.  I guess you can say that I’m not super patient with waiting for a phase to pass.

Sleep Training Refresher

Luckily our system works well for Annie and is pretty simple.  Here’s a refresher on what we do:

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